jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Socials ballooning

Hola! Mira aquí et pos una informació que vaig cercar sobre el glogo aerostático. També t'adjunt les fotos. Una cosa, com pots veure, está en anglés, pero com ja saps que jo estudii socials en anglés...no ho sabies? Ups...idó ara ja ho saps.

The Ballooning
The history of the ballooning starts in the end of the 18 century, in France. The Montgolfier brother’s were the firsts to build a paper balloon. They had the idea when they were sit in front of the fire. They observe that the smoke rises, and thought that the hot air is lighter than the cold air, and it ups. Then they decided to create a machine for fly.
Using a gas lighter than the air, they got that the balloon up 500 meters. The next year, in 1783, they did a demonstration in Versalles’s Palace, putting a basket for the balloon, and put a sheep, a chicken and a duck. In 1873 Pilâtre de Rozier and Arlandes, up 1000meters in 25 minutes. Their balloon, had a wicker basket with Wood and fire, for have hot air in the balloon.  

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